
2019-07-14 09:35发布

{ Using PSTWRITER 17.0.0 d001Oct-11-2015 at 18:19:34 }

#1 ERROR(ORCAP-36071): Illegal character "Forward Slash(/)" found in "PCB Footprint" property for component instance R4: SCHEMATIC1, ele_model_calculate (5.50, 3.60) .
#2 ERROR(ORCAP-36071): Illegal character "Forward Slash(/)" found in "PCB Footprint" property for component instance R3: SCHEMATIC1, ele_model_calculate (3.80, 3.60) .
#3 ERROR(ORCAP-36071): Illegal character "Dot(.)" found in "PCB Footprint" property for component instance J2: SCHEMATIC1, ele_model_calculate (6.30, 2.50) .
#4 ERROR(ORCAP-36071): Illegal character "Dot(.)" found in "PCB Footprint" property for component instance J1: SCHEMATIC1, ele_model_calculate (6.70, 1.10) .
#5 INFO(ORCAP-36107):  PCB Editor does not support Dots(.), Forward Slash(/) and White space in footprint names. The supported characters include Alphabets, Numerics, Underscore(_) and Hyphen(-).

#6 ERROR(ORCAP-36018): Aborting Netlisting... Please correct the above errors and retry.
在生成网表时出现了错误  而我发现出现的错误提示大多雷同,所以都打开log看了看如上;这样就简单明了了 就是封装有不合规字符  NND 容易吗我 大家好好学习哈  接触一个新的事物,在第3个月后你就可以玩弄自如撒。