device wakeup 功能 & wake_lock电源锁

2019-07-14 03:34发布


0.1 device wakeup 功能


0.2 wake_lock电源锁


1. 涉及代码

1.1 设备具有唤醒功能

/* include/linux/pm_wakeup.h */ device_init_wakeup(struct device *dev, bool val); // 初始化设备能不能唤醒系统,并且使用这个功能 device_may_wakeup // 判断设备设备能不能够别唤醒,并且使用这个功能 device_wakeup_enable(struct device *dev); // Enable given device to be a wakeup source device_wakeup_disable(struct device *dev); device_set_wakeup_capable(struct device *dev, bool capable); device_set_wakeup_enable(struct device *dev, bool enable); //Enable or disable a device to wake up the system. pm_stay_awake(struct device *dev); pm_relax(struct device *dev); pm_wakeup_event(struct device *dev, unsigned int msec);

1.2 将一个中断设置为可将系统唤醒

//include/linux/interrupt.h enable_irq_wake

1.3 wake_lock电源锁

// include/linux/wakelock.h wake_lock_init // 初始化电源锁 wake_lock_active // 判断电源锁状态:上锁/解锁 wake_lock // 上锁 wake_unlock // 解锁 wake_lock_destroy // 销毁电源锁 wake_lock_timeout // 在需要唤醒处调用



// drivers/input/misc/gpio_keys.c // probe中将设备设置为可将系统唤醒 gpio_keys_probe device_init_wakeup(&pdev->dev, wakeup); ---------- // 当设备suspend时,将其触发的中断设置为可以将系统唤醒并且使能 gpio_keys_suspend if (device_may_wakeup(dev)) enable_irq_wake(bdata->irq);

2.2 usb wake_lock功能

//drivers/usb/phy/otg-wakelock.c otg_wakelock_init wake_lock_init(&vbus_lock.wakelock, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND,; // init ---------- static void otgwl_hold(struct otgwl_lock *lock) { if (!lock->held) { wake_lock(&lock->wakelock); // lock lock->held = true; } } ---------- static void otgwl_drop(struct otgwl_lock *lock) { if (lock->held) { wake_unlock(&lock->wakelock); // unlock lock->held = false; } }