
2019-07-12 23:06发布

该播放器虽然简单,但是几乎包含了使用FFMPEG播放一个音频所有必备的API,并且使用SDL输出解码出来的音频。注:本版本的SDL采用了SDL1.2,采用SDL2.0的播放器可以参考: 在解读音频文件时采取顺序读取音频文件,播放时可以自由发挥,本文采用部分可逆的方法播放相应的音频文件
注意:1.m4a,aac文件可以直接播放。mp3文件需要调整SDL音频帧大小为4608(默认是4096),否则播放会不流畅2.也可以播放视频中的音频源代码:#include #include extern "C" { #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" //SDL #include "sdl/SDL.h" #include "sdl/SDL_thread.h" }; #include "decoder.h" //#include "wave.h" //#define _WAVE_ //全局变量--------------------- static Uint8 *audio_chunk; static Uint32 audio_len; static Uint8 *audio_pos; //----------------- /* The audio function callback takes the following parameters: stream: A pointer to the audio buffer to be filled len: The length (in bytes) of the audio buffer (这是固定的4096?) 回调函数 注意:mp3为什么播放不顺畅? len=4096;audio_len=4608;两个相差512!为了这512,还得再调用一次回调函数。。。 m4a,aac就不存在此问题(都是4096)! */ void fill_audio(void *udata,Uint8 *stream,int len){ /* Only play if we have data left */ if(audio_len==0) return; /* Mix as much data as possible */ len=(len>audio_len?audio_len:len); SDL_MixAudio(stream,audio_pos,len,SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME); audio_pos += len; audio_len -= len; } //----------------- int decode_audio(char* no_use) { AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx; int i, audioStream; AVCodecContext *pCodecCtx; AVCodec *pCodec; char url[300]={0}; strcpy(url,no_use); //Register all available file formats and codecs av_register_all(); //支持网络流输入 avformat_network_init(); //初始化 pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context(); //有参数avdic //if(avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx,url,NULL,&avdic)!=0){ if(avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx,url,NULL,NULL)!=0){ printf("Couldn't open file. "); return -1; } // Retrieve stream information if(av_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx)<0) { printf("Couldn't find stream information. "); return -1; } // Dump valid information onto standard error av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, url, false); // Find the first audio stream audioStream=-1; for(i=0; i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++) //原为codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { audioStream=i; break; } if(audioStream==-1) { printf("Didn't find a audio stream. "); return -1; } // Get a pointer to the codec context for the audio stream pCodecCtx=pFormatCtx->streams[audioStream]->codec; // Find the decoder for the audio stream pCodec=avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtx->codec_id); if(pCodec==NULL) { printf("Codec not found. "); return -1; } // Open codec if(avcodec_open(pCodecCtx, pCodec)<0) { printf("Could not open codec. "); return -1; } /********* For output file ******************/ FILE *pFile; #ifdef _WAVE_ pFile=fopen("output.wav", "wb"); fseek(pFile, 44, SEEK_SET); //预留文件头的位置 #else pFile=fopen("output.pcm", "wb"); #endif // Open the time stamp file FILE *pTSFile; pTSFile=fopen("audio_time_stamp.txt", "wb"); if(pTSFile==NULL) { printf("Could not open output file. "); return -1; } fprintf(pTSFile, "Time Base: %d/%d ", pCodecCtx->time_base.num, pCodecCtx->time_base.den); /*** Write audio into file ******/ //把结构体改为指针 AVPacket *packet=(AVPacket *)malloc(sizeof(AVPacket)); av_init_packet(packet); //音频和视频解码更加统一! //新加 AVFrame *pFrame; pFrame=avcodec_alloc_frame(); //---------SDL-------------------------------------- //初始化 if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER)) { printf( "Could not initialize SDL - %s ", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } //结构体,包含PCM数据的相关信息 SDL_AudioSpec wanted_spec; wanted_spec.freq = pCodecCtx->sample_rate; wanted_spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS; wanted_spec.channels = pCodecCtx->channels; wanted_spec.silence = 0; wanted_spec.samples = 1024; //播放AAC,M4a,缓冲区的大小 //wanted_spec.samples = 1152; //播放MP3,WMA时候用 wanted_spec.callback = fill_audio; wanted_spec.userdata = pCodecCtx; if (SDL_OpenAudio(&wanted_spec, NULL)<0)//步骤(2)打开音频设备 { printf("can't open audio. "); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------- printf("比特率 %3d ", pFormatCtx->bit_rate); printf("解码器名称 %s ", pCodecCtx->codec->long_name); printf("time_base %d ", pCodecCtx->time_base); printf("声道数 %d ", pCodecCtx->channels); printf("sample per second %d ", pCodecCtx->sample_rate); //新版不再需要 // short decompressed_audio_buf[(AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 3) / 2]; // int decompressed_audio_buf_size; uint32_t ret,len = 0; int got_picture; int index = 0; while(av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, packet)>=0) { if(packet->stream_index==audioStream) { //decompressed_audio_buf_size = (AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 3) / 2; //原为avcodec_decode_audio2 //ret = avcodec_decode_audio4( pCodecCtx, decompressed_audio_buf, //&decompressed_audio_buf_size, packet.data, packet.size ); //改为 ret = avcodec_decode_audio4( pCodecCtx, pFrame, &got_picture, packet); if ( ret < 0 ) // if error len = -1 { printf("Error in decoding audio frame. "); exit(0); } if ( got_picture > 0 ) { #if 1 printf("index %3d ", index); printf("pts %5d ", packet->pts); printf("dts %5d ", packet->dts); printf("packet_size %5d ", packet->size); //printf("test %s ", rtmp->m_inChunkSize); #endif //直接写入 //注意:数据是data【0】,长度是linesize【0】 #if 1 fwrite(pFrame->data[0], 1, pFrame->linesize[0], pFile); //fwrite(pFrame, 1, got_picture, pFile); //len+=got_picture; index++; //fprintf(pTSFile, "%4d,%5d,%8d ", index, decompressed_audio_buf_size, packet.pts); #endif } #if 1 //--------------------------------------- //printf("begin.... "); //设置音频数据缓冲,PCM数据 audio_chunk = (Uint8*) pFrame->data[0]; //设置音频数据长度 audio_len = pFrame->linesize[0]-sizeof(Uint8); //audio_len = 4096; //播放mp3的时候改为audio_len = 4096 //则会比较流畅,但是声音会变调!MP3一帧长度4608 //使用一次回调函数(4096字节缓冲)播放不完,所以还要使用一次回调函数,导致播放缓慢。。。 //设置初始播放位置 audio_pos = audio_chunk+1; //回放音频数据 SDL_LockAudio(); SDL_PauseAudio(0); SDL_UnlockAudio(); //printf("don't close, audio playing... "); while(audio_len>0)//等待直到音频数据播放完毕! SDL_Delay(1); audio_chunk = (Uint8*)pFrame->data[0]; //设置音频数据长度 audio_len = sizeof(Uint8); //audio_len = 4096; //播放mp3的时候改为audio_len = 4096 //则会比较流畅,但是声音会变调!MP3一帧长度4608 //使用一次回调函数(4096字节缓冲)播放不完,所以还要使用一次回调函数,导致播放缓慢。。。 //设置初始播放位置 audio_pos = audio_chunk ; //回放音频数据 SDL_LockAudio(); SDL_PauseAudio(0); SDL_UnlockAudio(); //printf("don't close, audio playing... "); while (audio_len>0)//等待直到音频数据播放完毕! SDL_Delay(1); //--------------------------------------- #endif } // Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame //已改 av_free_packet(packet); } //printf("The length of PCM data is %d bytes. ", len); #ifdef _WAVE_ fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET); struct WAVE_HEADER wh; memcpy(wh.header.RiffID, "RIFF", 4); wh.header.RiffSize = 36 + len; memcpy(wh.header.RiffFormat, "WAVE", 4); memcpy(wh.format.FmtID, "fmt ", 4); wh.format.FmtSize = 16; wh.format.wavFormat.FormatTag = 1; wh.format.wavFormat.Channels = pCodecCtx->channels; wh.format.wavFormat.SamplesRate = pCodecCtx->sample_rate; wh.format.wavFormat.BitsPerSample = 16; calformat(wh.format.wavFormat); //Calculate AvgBytesRate and BlockAlign memcpy(wh.data.DataID, "data", 4); wh.data.DataSize = len; fwrite(&wh, 1, sizeof(wh), pFile); #endif SDL_CloseAudio();//关闭音频设备 // Close file fclose(pFile); // Close the codec avcodec_close(pCodecCtx); // Close the video file av_close_input_file(pFormatCtx); return 0; }调用方法如下:int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char filename[]="WavinFlag.aac"; if(decode_audio(filename) == 0) printf("Decode audio successfully. "); return 0; }
注意图中源代码部分:audio_chunk = (Uint8*) pFrame->data[0]; 
audio_len = pFrame->linesize[0]-sizeof(Uint8);
//audio_len = 4096;
//播放mp3的时候改为audio_len = 4096
audio_pos = audio_chunk+1;
//printf("don't close, audio playing... "); 
audio_chunk = (Uint8*)pFrame->data[0];
audio_len = sizeof(Uint8);
//audio_len = 4096;
//播放mp3的时候改为audio_len = 4096
audio_pos = audio_chunk ;
//printf("don't close, audio playing... "); 
while (audio_len>0)//等待直到音频数据播放完毕! 
首先播放后面几个音频字节流,最后播放第一个音频字节流,也可以完全采用逆向模式,完全改变播放顺序。同时加上SDL_LockAudio(); 锁的机制,保证音频完整的播放


由图可知,pts,dts时间一致,对于音频文件无B帧,所以一致。如按顺序播放文件修改代码如下: audio_chunk = (Uint8*)pFrame->data[0]; //设置音频数据长度 audio_len = pFrame->linesize[0]; //audio_len = 4096; //播放mp3的时候改为audio_len = 4096 //则会比较流畅,但是声音会变调!MP3一帧长度4608 //使用一次回调函数(4096字节缓冲)播放不完,所以还要使用一次回调函数,导致播放缓慢。。。 //设置初始播放位置 audio_pos = audio_chunk; SDL_LockAudio(); SDL_PauseAudio(0); SDL_UnlockAudio();程序会打印每一帧的信息,同时将音频输出到音频输出设备。运行截图如下所示