LPC NXP 设置管脚功能为GPIO且为输出的步骤

2019-07-12 11:19发布

GPIO_SetDir(CS0_PORT_NUM, (1<FIO_SetMask(CS0_PORT_NUM,(1< 。。。。。。        GPIO_ClearValue(CS1_PORT_NUM, (1<。。。。。。。         GPIO_SetValue(CS1_PORT_NUM, (1<
    /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Clear Value for bits that have output direction on GPIO port. * @param[in] portNum Port number value, should be in range from 0 to 4 * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits on GPIO to clear, * in range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF. * example: value 0x5 to clear bit 0 and bit 1. * @return None * * Note: * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will * not effect. * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0') * will not be effected by this function. **********************************************************************/ void GPIO_ClearValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue) { LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum); if (pGPIO != NULL) { pGPIO->FIOCLR |= bitValue; } }
  /*********************************************************************//** * @brief Set Value for bits that have output direction on GPIO port. * @param[in] portNum Port number value, should be in range from 0 to 4 * @param[in] bitValue Value that contains all bits on GPIO to set, * in range from 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF. * example: value 0x5 to set bit 0 and bit 1. * @return None * * Note: * - For all bits that has been set as input direction, this function will * not effect. * - For all remaining bits that are not activated in bitValue (value '0') * will not be effected by this function. **********************************************************************/ void GPIO_SetValue(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue) { LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum); if (pGPIO != NULL) { pGPIO->FIOSET |= bitValue; } }
  void GPIO_SetDir(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t dir) { LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pGPIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum); if (pGPIO != NULL) { // Enable Output if (dir) { pGPIO->FIODIR |= bitValue; } // Enable Input else { pGPIO->FIODIR &= ~bitValue; } } }
  void FIO_SetMask(uint8_t portNum, uint32_t bitValue, uint8_t maskValue) { LPC_GPIO_TypeDef *pFIO = GPIO_GetPointer(portNum); if(pFIO != NULL) { // Mask if (maskValue){ pFIO->FIOMASK |= bitValue; } // Un-mask else { pFIO->FIOMASK &= ~bitValue; } } }