
2019-03-26 12:38发布

[2015-09-07 16:43:58 - Helloworld] ------------------------------
[2015-09-07 16:43:58 - Helloworld] Android Launch!
[2015-09-07 16:43:58 - Helloworld] adb is running normally.
[2015-09-07 16:43:58 - Helloworld] Performing com.example1.helloworld.MainActivity activity launch
[2015-09-07 16:43:58 - Helloworld] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'AVD1'
[2015-09-07 16:43:58 - Helloworld] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AVD1'
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   the '-scale <scale>' option is used to scale the emulator window to
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   something that better fits the physical dimensions of a real device. this
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   can be *very* useful to check that your UI isn't too small to be usable
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   on a real device.
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   there are three supported formats for <scale>:
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   * if <scale> is a real number (between 0.1 and 3.0) it is used as a
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     scaling factor for the emulator's window.
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   * if <scale> is an integer followed by the suffix 'dpi' (e.g. '110dpi'),
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     then it is interpreted as the resolution of your monitor screen. this
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     will be divided by the emulated device's resolution to get an absolute
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     scale. (see -help-dpi-device for details).
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   * finally, if <scale> is the keyword 'auto', the emulator tries to guess
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     your monitor's resolution and automatically adjusts its window
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     accordingly
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]     NOTE: this process is *very* unreliable, depending on your OS, video
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]           driver issues and other random system parameters
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   the emulator's scale can be changed anytime at runtime through the control
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]   console. see the help for the 'window scale' command for details
[2015-09-07 16:43:59 - Emulator]
[2015-09-07 16:44:08 - Helloworld] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2015-09-07 16:44:08 - Helloworld] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...

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1楼-- · 2019-03-26 15:01
2楼-- · 2019-03-26 17:42

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