
2019-07-13 20:50发布

第一步:先下载ffmpeg--》https://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ 下载好解压到某个文件夹,并将该文件夹中的bin目录添加到系统path。 第二步:安装pydub pip3 install pydub # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : FELIX # @Date : 2018/5/18 15:13 from pydub import AudioSegment sound=AudioSegment.from_file("aaa.mp3","mp3") sound2=AudioSegment.from_file('bbb.mp3','mp3') # 把一个多声道音频分解成两个单声道 # index[0]为左声道 # index[1]为右声道 # sounds=sound.split_to_mono() # print(sounds) # 将两个单声道合并成多声道 # stereo_sound = AudioSegment.from_mono_audiosegments(sounds[0], sounds[1]) # # 取得音频的分贝数 # loudness = sound.dBFS # print(loudness) # # 获取音频音量大小,该值通常用来计算分贝数(dB= 20×lgX) # loudness = sound.rms # print(loudness) # # 取得音频的声道数 # channel_count = sound.channels # print(channel_count) # # 取得音频文件采样宽度 # bytes_per_sample = sound.sample_width # print(bytes_per_sample) # # # 取得音频文件采样频率 # frames_per_second = sound.frame_rate # print(frames_per_second) # #取得音频文件帧宽度 # bytes_per_frame = sound.frame_width # print(bytes_per_frame) # # #取得音频中的最大振幅 # normalized_sound = sound.apply_gain(-sound.max_dBFS) # print(normalized_sound) # #取得音频的持续时间,同 len() # print(sound.duration_seconds) # print((len(sound) / 1000.0)) # #取得音频数据 # raw_audio_data = sound.raw_data # # print(raw_audio_data) # #取得音频的frame数量 # number_of_frames_in_sound = sound.frame_count() # number_of_frames_in_200ms_of_sound = sound.frame_count(ms=200) # print(number_of_frames_in_sound) # print(number_of_frames_in_200ms_of_sound) # 拼接sound1与sound2,返回一个新的AudioSegment实例 # cossfade:交叉渐变间隔 ms # no_crossfade1 = sound.append(sound2, crossfade=5000) # print(no_crossfade1) # no_crossfade1.export(r'cc.wav',format='wav') # 输出 # 把sound2覆盖在sound1上,两个音频文件会叠加,如果sound2较长,则会被截断。 # 参数: # position:覆盖起始位置(毫秒) # loop:是否循环覆盖(true/false) # times:重复覆盖次数(默认1) # gain_during_overlay:调整被覆盖音频的音量(eg,-6.0) # played_togther = sound.overlay(sound2) # # sound2_starts_after_delay = sound.overlay(sound2, position=5000) # # volume_of_sound1_reduced_during_overlay = sound.overlay(sound2, gain_during_overlay=-8) # # sound2_repeats_until_sound1_ends = sound.overlay(sound2, loop=True) # # sound2_plays_twice = sound.overlay(sound2, times=2) # played_togther.export(r'dd.wav',format='wav') # 输出 #调整音量大小 # louder_via_method = sound.apply_gain(+3.5) # 提高 # quieter_via_method = sound.apply_gain(-5.7) # 减小 #淡出 # 参数: # to_gain:淡出结束时音频音量下降到的分贝数 # from_gain:设置淡出前的所有音频分贝数 # start:淡出的起始位置 # end:淡出的结束位置 # duration:淡出持续时间 # fade_in_the_hard_way = sound.fade(from_gain=-120.0, start=0, duration=5000) # fade_out_the_hard_way = sound.fade(to_gain=-120.0, end=0, duration=5000) # 反向输出 # sound.reverse().export(r'ee.wav',format='wav') # 输出 # 调整多声道音频的左右声道音量 # 如果单声道音频调用此方法,它将先被转换为多声道 # stereo_balance_adjusted = sound.apply_gain_stereo(-6, +2) # # #左右声道平衡,按百分比增大一边,减小另一边 # # pan the sound 15% to the right # panned_right = sound.pan(+0.15) # # pan the sound 50% to the left # panned_left = sound.pan(-0.50) # # # # 基于DSP的渲染 # # 产生一个反向信号的副本,来消除反相位波,或者降低噪音 # sound.invert_phase()  转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/felixwang2/p/9056726.html