
2019-07-15 16:22发布

Error[e16]: Segment CSTACK (size: 0x50 align: 0x1) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x7 more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the  segment placement command "-Z(DATA)CSTACK+_STACK_SIZE#", where at the moment of placement the available memory ranges were "CODE:9b7-9ff"  
   Reserved ranges relevant to this placement:

错误(e16天):段CSTACK(大小:0×50对齐:0 x1)太长段定义。至少0 x7多个字节。问题发生在处理段放置命令“- z(数据)CSTACK + _STACK_SIZE #”,目前的位置可用内存的范围是“代码:9 b7-9ff”保留范围相关的位置:
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