
2020-01-04 19:03发布

以前一直正常的,今天忽然一次死机后,调试stm8出问题总是说 debug session无法启动,确定后debug出错显示为:
Sun Sep 12 21:19:56 2010: C-SPY Processor Descriptor V1.10.0.50013 for STM8
Sun Sep 12 21:19:56 2010: C-SPY Debugger Driver, ST-LINK V1.10.1.20014 for STM8 [Evaluation]
Sun Sep 12 21:19:56 2010: Connected to STM8 SWIM Debugging system, STM8-SWIM 1.5.7, GDI Version 1.2.6
Sun Sep 12 21:19:56 2010: An error occurred while retrieving GDI features: gdi-error [40201]: Can't access configuration database
Sun Sep 12 21:19:56 2010: Couldn't find STM8S105S4 in the list of supported MCUs.
Sun Sep 12 21:19:56 2010: Failed to load debugee: C:Documents and Settings orman桌面stm8-iarDebugExestm8s.out

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