
2019-08-22 13:33发布

"no source": Error: command-line:  #992: invalid macro definition: -o
..stm32f10x_libsrcstm32f10x_spi.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
compiling stm32f10x_tim.c...
Warning: C4486W: option '-c' causes input file '..objstm32f10x_tim.o' to be ignored
"no source": Error: command-line:  #992: invalid macro definition: -o
..stm32f10x_libsrcstm32f10x_tim.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
compiling stm32f10x_usart.c...
Warning: C4486W: option '-c' causes input file '..objstm32f10x_usart.o' to be ignored
"no source": Error: command-line:  #992: invalid macro definition: -o
..stm32f10x_libsrcstm32f10x_usart.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
compiling stm32f10x_wwdg.c...
Warning: C4486W: option '-c' causes input file '..objstm32f10x_wwdg.o' to be ignored
"no source": Error: command-line:  #992: invalid macro definition: -o
..stm32f10x_libsrcstm32f10x_wwdg.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
..obj emp.axf: error: L6002U: Could not open file ..objmain.o: No such file or directory
Finished: 0 information, 0 warning, 0 error and 1 fatal error messages.
"..obj emp.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed:  00:00:04

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